CruiseShip With 42 Sick Passengers Heads For Florida

It seems that every cruise ship currently sailing the world’s seas may come under scrutiny when looking for a port. Over the past several weeks we have been blogging about the many ships that have had their itineraries modified and due to countries’ refusing to allow them entry on fears that they may be carrying sick…

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Over 40 Passengers and Crew Fall Ill on Holland America Cruise Ship

Cruise passengers aboard the MS Zaandam are facing possible quarantine after multiple passengers have shown flu-like symptoms. reports that 13 passengers and 29 crew members are sick aboard the ship with influenza-like symptoms. “Out of an abundance of caution, we have now asked all guests to remain in their staterooms until we have more…

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Why Would Cruise Passengers Refuse Coronavirus Tests?

Earlier this month cruise passengers aboard the Grand Princess cruise ship became virtually quarantined aboard the ship off the coast of Northern California. The Grand Princess was carrying approximately 3.500 passengers, all of whom authorities eventually evacuated from the vessel. Though the passengers are aware that some of their fellow travelers previously tested positive for…

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Hawaii Refuses Entry to Passengers of Two Cruise Ships

Cruise passengers from two cruise ships are set to arrive at port in Hawaii in the next few days, but Hawaiian authorities will not allow the passengers to disembark. reports that the Norwegian Jewel and the Holland American Maasdam will call on Hawaiian ports to refuel and load up on supplies. But despite neither…

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Cruise Passenger Tests Positive for Coronavirus – Other Passengers from Ship Leave Without Being Tested

Despite the heightened concern among cruise passengers during the ongoing international coronavirus pandemic, it appears that cruise officials have still not learned how to handle the long-reaching ramifications of sailing with COVID-19-positive passengers. reports that in early March a passenger aboard the MSC Meraviglia cruise ship tested positive for COVID-19. Despite the positive test, those…

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Princess and Viking Cruise Lines Suspend Cruising

As the world continues to respond to the worsening coronavirus outbreak, the cruise industry has been one of the hardest industries hit. Health authorities have been warning for years that cruise ships, under the wrong circumstances, can act as a virtual petri dish for the spread of disease. Coronavirus is proving this to be true.  In…

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Cruise Ship Coronavirus Lawsuits Begin

Cruise ship passengers who have been affected by various coronavirus outbreaks have seen their lives significantly affected. Thousands of travelers have been confined to the vessels under quarantine, not only unable to leave the ships but unable to leave their staterooms for days and weeks on end. Now, a Florida couple is suing a major…

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Another Princess Cruise Ship Suffering Possible Coronavirus Contagion

Coronavirus fears are causing yet another Princess cruise voyage disruption, as authorities screen passengers aboard a large ship following a significant coronavirus scare.  Authorities are detaining the 3,500 passenger Grand Princess cruise ship off the coast of Northern California, after a passenger who had recently sailed on the ship recently died from coronavirus. Officials say…

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Royal Caribbean Ship Arrives Back to Baltimore with 82 People Sick with Flu

Amid heightened fears of the worldwide coronavirus contagion, dozens of passengers aboard a Royal Caribbean cruise ship have tested positive for the flu. reports that 82 passengers and crew members tested positive for influenza A or B , prompting authorities to place the affected individuals in isolation. The CDC said that it did not test the affected…

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If I Get Sick on a Cruise Ship Can I Sue?

Getting sick on a cruise is the last thing most people expect. If this were to occur, travelers often wonder if the cruise line can be sued for the costs of medical care and other losses incurred by the illness. This incident could potentially be grounds for a personal injury case. The liability of the…

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Cruise Ship Returns to Port Early After Passengers Fall Ill

Over the past several days passengers and crew aboard the Caribbean Princess cruise ship have been falling ill, prompting the ship to return to port early. reports that the ship returned to port on Saturday morning after 228 passengers and 17 crew members fell ill with a stomach bug during the ship’s 14-day voyage. The…

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British Diamond Princess Passenger Dies of Coronavirus

The epic quarantine of the Diamond Princess cruise ship off the coast of Japan will doubtlessly be studied by scientists for years to come. What started off as a single coronavirus infection ballooned to over 700 people in just under six weeks. The ship was quarantined from February 3 to February 19, resulting in the…

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Caribbean Ports Turn Away MSC Meraviglia on Coronavirus Concerns reports that two ports in the Caribbean denied entry to the MSC Meraviglia cruise ship on concerns that the ship may be carrying passengers sick with coronavirus. Ocho Rios, Jamaica and Georgetown, Cayman Islands denied the ship permission to dock after hearing reports that a Filipino cruise ship member was ill.  In a statement,…

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Miami Herald: Cruise Industry Stocks Fall as Coronavirus Fears Grow

Though the majority of cruise-ship-related coronavirus has occurred in Asia, Caribbean nations have been vigilant in their screening of cruise passengers for the virus. reports that Jamaica and the Cayman Islands have refused to allow the MSC Meraviglia to dock on fears that it may e carrying passengers ill with coronavirus.  The warnings from…

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Third Diamond Princess Passenger Dies

For the past several weeks we have been blogging about the coronavirus contagion aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship. What started off as a reported 10 passengers aboard the ship ill with coronavirus early in February has ballooned to at least 621 passengers ill with coronavirus at most recent report. And there have been fatalities.…

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2 Diamond Princess Passengers Die of Coronavirus

Two passengers from the fated Diamond Princess cruise voyage that was riddled with coronavirus have died. reports that the victims were an elderly man and woman who were both residents of Japan. They had been brought ashore for treatment of the virus last week, and both died Thursday, reports Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor…

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Japanese Disease Expert Criticizes Diamond Princess Quarantine

Infectious disease experts are speaking out about the Diamond Princess coronavirus quarantine, which authorities ordered as of February 3. Passengers were held aboard the ship until February 19 on fears that the ship was a hotbed for coronavirus. Those suspicions turned out to be a self-fulling prophecy, as the cooped-up passengers seemingly passed the virus to…

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