Cruise Ship
Cruise CEOs Join Forces in Bid to Return to Business
On Friday, CEOs of the world’s largest cruise companies participated in a virtual meeting with Vice President Mike Pence and other high ranking governmental officials to discuss strategies to restart the cruise industry. reports that the CEOs of Carnival, Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, and MSC discussed a proposal which would allow the companies to resume…
Read MoreFamily Sues After Baby’s Meningitis Misdiagnosed on Cruise Resulting in Triple Amputation
Baby Phoebe went on her first vacation in February. Before the end of the trip, she would be gravely ill with a meningitis infection that would result in triple amputation. NBC Miami reports that after Phoebe and her family set sail on the Royal Caribbean’s Symphony of the Seas, Phoebe fell severely ill. The family…
Read MoreStatutes Of Limitations Apply Despite Potential Court Logjams
The coronavirus pandemic has caused the shutdown of virtually every aspect of society. While many sectors are beginning to open up, Florida’s court system is operating at reduced capacity. reports that Florida’s courts are facing a logjam, with a massive number of pending cases expected to grow into next summer. The article details…
Read MoreFaulty Tennis Court Construction Results in Serious Cruise Passenger Knee Injury
When designing a vessel as complex as a cruise ship, engineers and other designers must take every aspect of the ship’s potential hazards into account. Especially as it relates to those areas that passengers will use, a good design will limit and even eliminate possible sources of danger. Cruise companies still have a lot to…
Read MoreNorwegian Cruise Line Faulty Stairwell Design Causes Fractured Arm
Earlier this week we blogged about a complaint that we filed on behalf of a Norwegian Cruise Lines passengers who was injured on the Norwegian Getaway cruise ship due to faulty stairwell design. But the Getaway is not the only Norwegian ship that suffers from hazardous stairwells. Below, we present an excerpt of a lawsuit we filed on…
Read MorePoorly Designed Glass Entryway Poses Hazard To Travelers – Results In Multiple Injuries
Continuing with yesterday’s theme of faulty cruise ship design, today we look at the case of a poorly designed cruise ship arcade which employs glass that is difficult for passengers to see. Entrances of this type can present a significant hazard to passengers because, without proper warning, people can walk directly into the glass at full…
Read MoreFaulty Cruise Ship Stairwell Design Results in Life-Altering Passenger Injury
Many travel industry experts have described cruise ships as floating cities. The comparison between cruise ships and cities is appropriate in many respects: they both house thousands of people and can provide for their every need for a theoretically unlimited period of time. And like cities, cruise ship design is paramount for the safety of those who…
Read MoreSlippery Tile Near The Royal Caribbean Windjammer Buffet Leads To Fall and Broken Wrist
Today we take a look at another lawsuit that Hickey Law Firm, P.A. has filed against a cruise company, this time Royal Caribbean. Practically every Royal Caribbean fan is familiar with the company’s famous Windjammer buffet, where thousands of passengers go to eat daily. One of our clients was seriously injured in the buffet area…
Read MoreNorwegian Cruise Lines Ladder Fails Causing Passenger To Fracture Wrist
Anyone who has been in a cruise ship stateroom is likely familiar with the way stateroom bunk beds are arranged. The top bed may be parallel to the bottom bed or perpendicular to it, but the top bunk is always accessed by a ladder of some type. When not properly maintained these ladders can be…
Read MoreCruise Line Negligence Puts Teens At Risk – Results in Horrific Sexual Assault
One of the most commonly reported crimes aboard cruise ships is sexual assault and rape. Cruise crime stats are reported quarterly, and some quarters cruise ship sexual assault reports outnumber all other reports of crimes, including theft and assault. The majority of victims are women and children. The following is an excerpt from a complaint Hickey…
Read MoreWet Steps Aboard Carnival Dream Leads To Slip-and-Fall Passenger Injury
Slip-and-fall injuries are relatively common aboard cruise ships. Cruise lines have a responsibility to maintain the ships’ premises in a safe condition for passengers and crew members. In the following case, you will read just how quickly the cruise line’s negligence can lead to a serious permanent injury. The following is an excerpt taken from…
Read MoreHazardous Cruise Ship Doors Lead To Severe Passenger Injuries
Today we take a look at another case that was caused by a cruise company’s negligence. This case resulted from hazardous heavy doors that Carnival Cruise Line uses on its ships. In high winds these doors may move or suddenly close, injuring passengers in a number of ways including causing people to fall over and become injured from…
Read MoreHighly Polished Stone Causes Slip-And-Fall Hazard On Cruise Ships
Over the coming weeks we will be taking a look at some of the lawsuits that Hickey Law Firm, P.A. has filed recently in order to give you a better understanding of the types of injuries that result from cruise line negligence. Below we present an excerpt from a civil complaint that we filed on behalf…
Read MoreCruise Ship Injury Statute of Limitations Still In Effect Despite COVID-19
Time to file a lawsuit: One year from when it happened. That is the deadline in most cruise line sexual assault and injury cases. If you don’t file suit within that time and in the court required by the ticket, you will not have a claim. That is the long established maritime law. The coronavirus pandemic has…
Read MoreMiami Herald Recounts Story of Injured Cruise Worker Forgotten After Coronavirus
Following the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States in March, the cruise industry initiated a temporary no-sail period in which virtually all international cruises were halted. The shutdown left over 100,000 workers stranded aboard cruise ships, many of them for several months. The situation has resulted in a strange situation in which…
Read MoreAt Least Three Cruise Ships See Coronavirus Cases Upon Return To Operations
Over the past several days the travel world has been rocked by the revelation that a Norwegian cruise ship has experienced a coronavirus outbreak upon returning to operations. Now, published reports indicate that at least three cruise ships have experienced coronavirus cases after returning to the seas. German line AIDA Cruises will not restart operations…
Read MoreHurtigruten Executive Expresses Regret Over Coronavirus Contagion
An executive with Norwegian cruise company Hurtigruten is expressing regret after passengers and crew from one of the company’s ships experienced a coronavirus outbreak in recent days. Four crew members of the Norwegian cruise vessel MS Roald Amundsen have been hospitalized with Covid-19, a spokesperson for the University Hospital of North Norway told CNN…
Read More40 People Have Now Tested Positive For Coronavirus Following Post-Pandemic Cruise reports that the number of people who have contracted coronavirus while sailing aboard a Norwegian cruise ship in recent weeks has grown to at least 40. At least 33 crew members on the MS Roald Amundsen cruise ship have tested positive for coronavirus, days after nearly 200 passengers disembarked. — euronews (@euronews) August…
Read MoreCruise Ship Returns To Operations – Suffers Coronavirus Outbreak
It is no secret that cruise companies are eager to get back to business. After nearly 4 months without an embarkation, the world’s major cruise lines are hemorrhaging money and selling off ships in order to stay financially afloat. But some smaller and very intrepid cruise lines have already begun to operate again in hopes that…
Read MoreCarnival Denies Rumor That It Plans To Sell Two Subsidiaries
Internet rumors have been circulating about the future of two Carnival Cruise Lines subsidiaries. reports that a popular website asserted that Carnival is looking to sell Cunard and Seabourn cruise lines, without naming any sources of the information. Though this would keep in line with other published reports that indicate Carnival is looking to sell…
Read MoreCrew Members’ Long Tours of Duty Present Major Challenge for Cruise Companies
As the major cruise companies plan their return to operations there are myriad aspects of the business that require planning and mitigation. For example, much has been made about whether Royal Caribbean will continue to serve its signature buffet due to the inherent risks involved. But this is just one aspect of the cruise business…
Read MoreImage of Boston Sunset Cruise Goes Viral – Draws Governmental Rebuke
The domestic travel industry was shocked over the weekend after a Massachusetts woman posted images of a cruise ship packed with people online. Now, authorities in the state have issued a cease-and-desist order to the company responsible for the cruise. reports that the Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards ordered Bay State Cruise Company to cease operating…
Read MoreGerman Cruise Company Tests The Waters And Sets Sail During Pandemic
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, most major companies across the globe have suspended operations since March. After cruise ships that were already at sea when the pandemic started arrived at port in April, no major cruies vessels have embarked on a voyage carrying passengers, until now. Finally at sea – With 1200 passengers our “Mein…
Read MoreRoyal Caribbean Rolls Out New Muster Drill Procedures
Anyone who has been on a cruise has participated in the muster drill in which crewmembers give passengers instructions on what to do in the event of a maritime emergency. These drills are required by law and are conducted in order to help ensure passenger safety. But despite its noble cause, the muster drill is…
Read MoreCDC Wants Public’s Input Before Allowing Cruise Ship to Sail Again
In March, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control issued an order prohibiting international cruise ships from calling on U.S. ports through July 24. The CDC subsequently extended the order through September in order to give the cruise industry more time to put practices in place to help ensure passenger safety in the era of coronavirus.…
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